There are many factors that have a negative impact on the quality of potential. A frequent culprit of the problem is smoking, whose damage is known to everyone. Smoking a few cigarettes a day has an effect not only on potential but also on the quality of sperm, on the work of the entire reproductive system. To understand how smoking affects the erection, it is important to learn about the composition of cigarettes, the results, as well as the methods that allow you to restore the health of men.
The connection between smoking and potential
Systemic cigarette smoking has a negative impact not only on potential but also on the body as a whole. The lungs, the heart, the central nervous system, the immunity in it, the hormones are disturbed, the appearance of the skin, the teeth will deteriorate. The connection between smoking and power is the most straightforward, as the cigarette contains many toxic and toxic substances that affect vessels, blood flow, depending on the quality of men's energy and sexual life.
Smoking a few cigarettes for several years causes a decrease in blood vessels, blood clotting. This is due to the fact that the genitals, when they are excited, are not filled with correct amounts of blood, which causes poor energy or absence (impotence).
Clinical tests have found that 60%of men who carry a cigarette pack per day have serious erection problems. About 20% suffer from erectile dysfunction. In addition, they have problems with the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the risk of developing stroke, heart attack, hypertension and vascular atherosclerosis.
Dangerous components in cigarettes
Many smokers believe that nicotine is most harmful to cigarettes, but in addition to this substance, they contain many other poisonous components. When studying the composition of tobacco products, we can understand that they are dangerous not only for smoking, but also for people around them who breathe tobacco smoking.
Main poison and toxins in cigarettes:
- Nicotine is a small drug that causes addiction and the effect of short -term excitement. It has a sufficiently strong vasoconstrictive effect, causes vascular spasms, causing damage to their walls.
- Cadmium and lead metals are a negative effect on the work of the whole organism. The kidney system suffers most of them. Increase the fragility of blood vessels, delay blood flow.
- Methane is a component that causes dizziness, nausea, calls for vomiting. It is toxic gas, often causing problems with potential, as it causes intoxication of the body, chronic fatigue.
- Phenol is a substance that irritates the mucous membranes, increasing the risk of developing cancer. This is the presence of phenol in cigarette composition, which causes smokes to have shortness of breath, reducing resistance to sex.
- Benesoperin - present in cigarette smoke, affects the structure of DNA and has a bad effect on the performance of the reproductive system.
It is not all toxic substances in cigarettes, which has a negative effect on the quality of the potential. In addition to the main poisons, tobacco products contain sinusic acid (lung paralysis), carbon monoxide, ethylene, carcinogens, acetone, ammonia.

Poisons and toxins in cigarettes
How cigarettes affect potential
The degree of potential and sexual activity is directly related to the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, veins, arteries, hormonal and nervous system. Thus, if smoking is reduced in humans, you cannot exclude the fact that a person risks the development of central nervous or cardiovascular disease.
Main Damage from Smoking:
- Causes spasms of blood vessels, capillaries;
- Disrupts blood circulation;
- Grows with fragile blood vessels;
- Blood viscosity increases, which results in the formation of atherosclerotic boards and blood clotting.
Components that are found in cigarettes reduce immune protection, which is susceptible to the human body against viral and bacterial infections. The risk of developing inflammatory processes in the bladder and prostate gland increases, which increases the risk of cystitis, prostatitis or prostate adenoma.
Smoking has a negative effect on the functionality of the entire endocrine system, causing hormones, including testosterone production, which depends on sexual activity, reproductive function.
The psycho -emotional longing of smoking is negatively displayed on libido, and radioactive substances in tobacco cause severe and sometimes incurable oncological diseases.
Poisonous and toxic substances contain both cheap and expensive cigarettes.
Results for men's health
Systematic smoking of cigarettes has a clearly negative impact on human potential and reproductive system. According to some studies, 70% of smoking after 45 years has expressed blood flow disorders, which results in a decrease in sexual activity. Moreover, such a group of men endanger the development of hypertension, diabetes, cardiac pathologies and blood vessels.
The danger of smoking is that nicotine, as well as other poisonous substances, in cigarettes, changes the quality of sperm, spermatozoa structure and activity. This can lead to infertility or cause a child with severe pathology.
In addition to deteriorating physical health, smoking women are more often prone to depression, suffer from nervous breakdowns and increased irritation. Disorders in psychological behavior are particularly noticeable when trying to quit smoking. However, if it is decided to refuse to smoke, a few months later the body will be able to recover. Shortness of breath disappears, heart rhythm normalizes, libido, increased potential, improved reproductive function.
Impact of men's smoking on potential, concept and health. Smoking prevention. You can find out about all this from the video:
How to restore potential after smoking
If a man decides to refuse to smoke, restoring the body will take some time. How quickly a healthy power returns depends on the experience of the smoker, the simultaneous diseases that appeared during smoking.
With experience no more than 5 years, when performing all the rules, the potential improves after 3 months. If a man has been working for 10 years, he will be able to recover energy not for the least 8 months. Smoking for more than 15 years can cause serious health problems and how quickly a person can regain the power of men, depending on the related diseases.
There are no fixed cases where the potential has been restored with smoking experience for 25 years.
If you refuse to smoke, to speed up the erection recovery process, you must follow the rules:
- Completely exclude smoking.
- Daily game sports, exercises. It helps to improve metabolic processes, strengthen the heart muscle. You need to start with minimal load.
- Healthy, proper nutrition.
- Exclude nervous exaggeration.
Vitamin complexes will be used during this period, which should include zinc, vitamin A, calcium and selenium. These vitamins have a positive effect on the hormonal background, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and increase testosterone levels.
In the first days of refusing to smoke, a person experiences psychological and physical discomfort, which is like a "violation". This can lead to aggression attacks, increased nervousness, as well as the complete absence of erection. A few days later, all of these symptoms disappear. Do not change smoking hooks or electronic cigarettes - it will not improve the condition, but only exacerbate the situation.
How to maintain healthy energy
In order for the potential to always remain in the necessary frames, you must follow a few rules:
- Exclude the use of different doping while playing sports.
- Systemic physical exercises that will help improve overall blood flow, stimulate metabolic processes.
- Exclude bad habits.
- Reduce the use of spicy and fatty foods. To enrich the diet of fruit and vegetable, meat dishes in the oven or cooked form.
- Periodically get vitamins complexes.
- Exclude stress, depression.
- Timely treatment with all related diseases.
- Regular sex life, at least 2 times a week.
If a person chooses a healthy lifestyle, positive changes will occur not only in intimate life but also in the general state of health. Heart rhythm and respiratory system work improves, shortness of breath and other unpleasant symptoms disappear.
Frequent questions
How does smoking affect potential?
Smoking has a negative effect, as nicotine and other harmful substances in the cigarette and other harmful substances will deteriorate and deteriorate blood circulation. This can lead to erection problems and a decrease in sexual attraction.
How to restore potential after refusing to smoke?
After refusing to smoke, the potential may gradually recover. For this, it is advisable to lead a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, physical activity and denial of alcohol. It is also useful to consult a physician who can prescribe additional treatment methods, such as drugs to improve energy.
Helpful tips
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Smoking is the first step to restore potential. Smoking in narrow blood vessels that can cause erection problems. Therefore, it is important to get rid of this bad habit.
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Proper nutrition plays an important role in the recovery of energy after the refusal of smoking. Increase food consumption by antioxidants such as fruits, vegetables and herbs. They will help improve blood circulation and maintain vascular health.
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Regular physical exercises will help strengthen the cardiovascular system and improve energy. Select exercises that promote blood flow to the pelvic area, such as square, bar and cardio load.